Heliostat prototype
Short description
Heliostat prototype including novel driving systems, structural design and foundation. The system has been tested at PSA from October 2016 to January 2017.
Details of the system can be found at:
- Monreal, A., Burisch, M., Sanchez, M., Pérez, D., Villasante, C., Olabarrieta, E., ... & Olarra, A. (2014). EASY: An innovative design for cost effective heliostats/solar fields. Energy Procedia, 49, 174-183.
Main technical features
IK4-TEKNIKER and CENER have developed a small size heliostat based on:
- Cable based drive system
- Evaluation of the quality and durability by wind load tests for estimating the expected load onto the drive system
- Integrated calibration system for use in large heliostat fields
- A tracking accuracy of less than 1 mrad achieved during heliostat testing
Innovative aspects
- Use of cost-effective components, simpler configuration product and guaranteeing the same of quality.
- Fast automatic calibration system using uncalibrated cameras
- Mass production analysis for final manufacturing design
Central receiver CSP Plants
Type of partner sought
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Industrialization and market access