ECN has developed a software solution (called Active Wake Control) that allows to control the wakes in a wind farm to minimize the wake losses. This increases the power production of the farm, while keeping the loads on the wind turbines within their design envelope.
To this end, Active Wake Control effectuates the operation of individual wind turbines in (one or both) of the following two ways:
In an alternative embodiment, Active Wake Control can minimize the loads on individual wind turbines while keeping the power output unchanged. Yet another embodiment of Active Wake Control allows to integrate Active Wake Control with the farm layout optimization to minimize the distances between the wind turbines for a given power output.
Active wake control reduces fatigue loads on the wind farm while maximizing the wind farm power production. This increases the lifetime by up to 20% and reduces failure rates.
When Active Wake Control is applied in the design phase of a project, it helps reducing the electrical infrastructure costs by reducing the spacing between the wind turbines.
Large (existing) off-shore wind farms
ECN is looking for a company or start-up that can demonstrate the technology in the field in close collaboration. Commerciallisation is the next step.
Type of transaction: license/joint venture/spin-off.